What are The Difference Between HTTP & HTTPS?

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) are two protocols used for transferring data over the internet. They have some fundamental differences in terms of security and how they handle data:

  1. Encryption:
    • HTTP: It transmits data in plain text, which means that any information sent between the client (like a web browser) and the server can be intercepted and read by third parties.
    • HTTPS: It uses SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) protocol to encrypt the data being transmitted. This ensures that even if intercepted, the data remains secure.
  2. Security:
    • HTTP: It is not secure for transmitting sensitive information like login credentials or credit card details.
    • HTTPS: It provides a secure connection, making it suitable for sensitive transactions like online shopping, banking, and logging into accounts.
  3. Port:
    • HTTP: It typically uses port 80 for communication.
    • HTTPS: It typically uses port 443 for communication.
  4. Certificate:
    • HTTP: It does not require an SSL/TLS certificate.
    • HTTPS: It requires an SSL/TLS certificate. This certificate is issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) and verifies the identity of the website.
  5. URL Prefix:
    • HTTP: URLs start with “http://”.
    • HTTPS: URLs start with “https://”.
  6. Browser Indicators:
    • HTTP: Browsers do not provide any specific indicators to show whether a connection is secure or not.
    • HTTPS: Browsers display a padlock icon or other indicators to show that the connection is secure. In some cases, they may even display a warning if the connection is not secure.
  7. Search Engine Ranking:
    • HTTP: Google and other search engines have indicated that they may give a slight ranking boost to sites using HTTPS. In other words, HTTPS is considered a positive signal for SEO.
    • HTTPS: Using HTTP may lead to warnings in some modern browsers, potentially discouraging users from visiting the site.
  8. Performance Impact:
    • HTTPS: Initially, setting up an HTTPS connection can be slightly slower due to the additional steps required for encryption. However, with modern hardware and optimized protocols, the difference is often negligible.
  9. Cost:
    • HTTP: It does not incur any extra costs related to SSL/TLS certificates.
    • HTTPS: Obtaining and renewing an SSL/TLS certificate from a Certificate Authority may involve some costs, though there are free options available (like Let’s Encrypt).

Here’s a comparison of HTTP and HTTPS in a tabular form:

SecurityNot SecureSecure
CertificateNot RequiredRequired
URL Prefixhttp://https://
Browser IndicatorsNonePadlock Icon, Secure Indicators
Search Engine RankingMay Impact SEO RankingsMay Provide a Slight Boost in SEO
Performance ImpactUsually Slightly FasterSlightly Slower (due to initial setup)
CostNo Additional CostCertificate Might Have a Cost

This table provides a quick and clear comparison between HTTP and HTTPS across various aspects. Remember, HTTPS is recommended for secure transactions and protecting sensitive information online.


In summary, HTTPS provides a more secure and private connection for users, making it the preferred choice for transmitting sensitive information over the internet. It’s now becoming the standard for most websites, and modern browsers often flag non-HTTPS connections as potentially unsafe.

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